Bulletin - 7 Sep 2000

From the Solent to Portugal

Since June, there has  been a break in our progress,  while we prepared to leave the UK on our major voyage. 

We said our farewells to friends and family, and made the final preparations on Flame of Gosport.

 We set sail from Gosport on 1st of September, went to Cowes, then on to Dartmouth. Still stowing and
 doing jobs, and hoping to leave here for Portugal on Sunday 10th September, weather permitting.  

John & Helen Fleming
Flame of Gosport
7 September 2000 20:17

Cowes, on the Isle of Wight is probably best
known for the Cowes Week, when it is filled
with sails and sailors.
Cowes Harbour



Dartmouth, Devon is famous for its Naval College
Dartmouth in Devon

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